July Newsletter Article

From the Preacher’s Desk: We are living in a time when we need to embrace the discomfort of racism as uncomfortable as it may be. Jesus died for all people. Red, yellow, black and white ... . The church should and must be leading on these issues. Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. We cannot support the Black Lives Matters Organization since some of their views are deeply at odds with the church. The ultimate goal of the church is to see: Broken Lives Mended By Christ! How? We will act justly. We will love mercy. We will walk humbly with our God. We Have To Be United As One! It is not enough to not be racist... The goal is to be anti-racist. - Andy Stanley Our Action Steps: Admit racism is real. Listen. Pray. Love. We do not support any movement to defund the police, although we do believe some our systems need to be reformed. This is not about police officers. This is about all of us. Are there some bad police officers? Yes, let's be clear, just like there are some very bad preachers. There is bad and evil people everywhere. When it comes to police officers, every police officer that we know personally and love dearly, went into their profession because they actually love justice, because they care, because they honestly want to make a difference. We want to kind of wade into what many would consider dangerous territory and say, You don't have to choose a side. You can be whole-heartedly against racial injustices and you can be for honorable police officers. You can do both. You don't have to choose sides. We must respond well by listening to the experiences of our friends and empathizing with them. In fact, the Gospel will be diminished if we react poorly. We know that reaching people, our witness, depends on how we respond in moments like this. When Christians respond badly with no empathy or charity, it makes it harder for the church to share the Gospel with our friends. We must do better! We have to do better! Broken Lives Matter To Jesus! Racism isn't a Bad Habit. It isn't a mistake. It is sin. The answer isn't found in sociology, or the government. Jesus is the answer. This is not philosophical, an opinion, discussion or argument. This has nothing to do with politics or being political. This is all about theology and walking in and following the Gospel. This is all about being faithful followers of Jesus. Being like Jesus! As I like to say: "Being His Hands and Feet." Jesus said, your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:35 If we dare to call ourselves fully devoted followers of Christ, then we need to embrace the discomfort and fight for spiritual and racial unity. At Bonnie Brae Church of Christ, we are thankful to be in this "good fight" with you. God Bless, See you on Sunday. Gerrard


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