The Unquenchable Worshipper: Matt Redman - Illustration.

The yeaR IS 1744. HymN writeR CHaRles wesLey IS IN Leeos, eNgLaND, HOLDING a pRayeR meet -
INg; IN aN upstaIRS Room. SUDDeNly tHeRe IS a cRack IN tHe floORBOaRDS, foLLoweD BY a massIVe cRash, aND tHe wHoLe flooR coLLapses. aLL 100 people CRaSH Right tHROUgH tHe ceIL­
INg INtO tHe Room Below. tHe place IS IN cHaos-some aRe scReamINf;, some aRe cRy ­
IN some JUSt Sit IN SHOCk. But as tHe DUSt settles, Wesley, WOUNDeD aND Lying IN a Heap, cries out, "feaR Not! tHe LoRD is witH us; ouR
lIVes aRe aLL safe." aND tHeN He BReaks out INtO tHe DOXOLOGy: "pRaise f;OD, faom WHOm aLL BLeSSINGS f ow"-peRHaps a BIZaRRe CHOICe
of SONG;, CONSIDeRING; WHat Has JUSt HappeNeD !
But HeRe's tHe poiNt: WHILe eveRyoNe else was stiLL LickING; tHeIR WOUNDS, tHe HeaRt of tHIS
UNStoppaBLe WORSHippeR was RespONDING WltH uNsHakaBle pRaise


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