
Showing posts from November, 2017

Water Restrictions.

Ever experiences a drought? Or been in a housing neighbourhood where they have HOAs and told you when to water? I Corinthians 3:5b-8 says .."The Lord has assigned each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labour." Watering does not cause growth, but it creates the best environment for growth. Here are some simple ways you can help cause growth: 1. Pray, Pray, Pray (Let God be responsible and the center of growth) 2. Invite. Invite others. In all marketing, brands, and sharing, communicating ...there is nothing better than the personal invitation. 3. Learn people's names. People like to know that you want to personal know them and know them by name. 4. Leave room. Most visitors to our church tend to sit towards the back. Maybe its just a matter of leaving room and moving in. 5. Follow up. Call on others. Check on

December Sermon Series


Things you preacher wished people not know?

what are some of the things that Church Leaders would not want people to know? (I wrote this in 2011) I. We mess up all the time. Sure there is the whole put the preacher on the pedestal thing .... but really we struggle with sin, and tend to put on this holy self-righteous mask and really don't want people to know our deepest darkest hurts or sins. We're afraid people use it against us; or won't forgive; or see us in a different light. II. Sometimes we want to quit. We want to throw in the towel. Sometimes it happens first thing on Monday morning. We wish the conflict, the fights, the backstabbing, the dishonesty .... (Really, you think you deceive me by lying to my face?) would stop. III. We do compare ourselves to others. Heck, we might of even dreamed of being that Mega-Superstar, cool, pastor that every one likes and wants to be invited to the conventions is ourselves. Then we pray "God just use me, I don't need to be the next mega whoever ...but it