Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lead, Inspire, Encourage or Get out of the Way.

One of the hardest lessons I've ever learned is that I am a leader; whether I want to be or not. My friend, Devin Bennett reminded me of this. I still remember her words to me: "Speak Up." My reply, "I'm not a leader ...." (And which began this whole journey of whether I was a leader, what I was doing, and questioning what God was doing).

There are some days I don't feel like a leader. I know I am, but tend to question, ask what I am doing; and a LOT of dependence on God.

A leader has to be a learner.

A leader needs to be not just a leader, but also willing to serve as well. Set the example.

Inspire those around you. Let them take chances. Learn from their own mistakes, pick up the pieces and move on. There are times when people need to Smarten Up!! Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Encourage ... this is not just to inspire people to do greatness, but encourage how they can do great things for God.  Sometimes it is getting out of your comfort zone. Encouraging by words, deeds, and loving people. Tell stories of people that encourage you. Celebrate the good times; cry with those who cry.

And finally there ae times when people need to get out of the way. So much we hold onto. It almost holds us back to do great things for God. We have to balance reality with stepping out in faith. Don't let just the mundane things hold you back ...or we've always done it that way. Things are temporary; God is eternal.

So what are you doing to lead, inspire, encourage others? Perhaps it is just getting out of the way and letting God take control.

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