Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Vacation Bible School. Thoughts after 2 days.

Let me just say WOW!!!

We finished our kickoff. who knew a rocket can go that far? We're having almost as many children come out as we have attend our services regularly. We've had a blast so far with Galactic Blast.

We've had new friends, old friends, and all the inbetween helping out. Cora, Teri and Sam have been doing a great job. The Preschool Team is just too cute. And that female Recreation director is too cute ... I think I might go on a date with her. (BTW it is my wife, Valerie).

My goal for VBS is the children to learn to love God and love others. They'll be lessons, snacks, experiments (Dr.Malpractice and #13 having been up to it again), games and crafts. If you haven't been to a VBS this year - you need to.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I like that you bring up the item of VBS. I think VBS is an excellent experience for children. Last year, I helped my local church to host the annual VBS. It was very inspiring to see these children have such an innocent, accepting heart to the word of God. They really wanted to try their hardest to learn verses and the classic stories. It was a very refreshing sight and I completely agree that if you haven't attended VBS before in the past you should at any age.

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