Friday, November 06, 2009

Why is it hard to follow up on people?

Here is an email I recently sent the congregation I serve:

One of the things I know myself and even the church needs to do is to invite people and follow up on not only on Visitors but also on those missing.

Why is it hard? Let me suggest a few reasons.

I. It takes time.

II. It is a relationship.

III. It can be awkward.

Let me tell you what I am doing and maybe you can be encouraged as well. Each week, we follow up on our visitors with a letter right away and try to reach them and ask if they have a church home. Every few weeks I try to reach out to them - send reminders or thank them for coming. We also have an absentee list and I try to make phone calls to people missing - unless I know they reason they are gone (Usually some people tell me they'll be gone). One of the hardest things I haven't been doing is getting into these homes of visitors or of those absent. Why? Well it isn't because I haven't been trying but rather life is busy. (Time is precious to alot of us). So what have I been doing? Well I've been more focusing on getting people to come .... been to the coffee shops, the places of work and interacting with people .... I need to be Jesus' Hands and Feet and not just telling people to invite, but doing so as well ...being that example.

Now some of you maybe asking - what can I do? Well - call people. tell them you miss them. Invite them to come. What a better time of year than this time of year to invite?

Invite new people, invite those missing, invite those you meet @ the coffee shops, doctors' offices, vet's offices etc.

Of course, with this idea - comes - well I see problems with this or that or I just don't (And then INSERT any issue you have with Church etc Quit the Complaining)

The Answer to this is simple: BE part of the Solution. Don't be the negative - every family has its own issues, problems ... and yet with family comes love, patience, and hope.

1 Cor. 13 tells us the greatest of these is love. I've seen our services improving. I see God working. I see God doing some amazing things. If you want to be a part of what God is doing - be Where God is.

Hope to see you Sunday.

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