Thursday, March 22, 2007

You're Fired!

There are so many things that I should be fired for (Thank goodness for the graceful, forgiving, understanding, great ministry and church I serve now)

But here are a few examples of some that have happened at this church:

1. Wrecking the Van. Yup. Damage to the van - even by accident can get you fired ...
2. Van trouble - remembering to follow the speed limit (No cruising as one parent told me) and getting the van stuck -not once but 2x times in a ditch.
3. Destroying a projector your first week. (My students still remind me of this)
4. Four laptops in less than 5yrs (Sure the first one was from the ole youthguy and from the 90s - then one stolen) and then you replaced that only after 3yrs to have dropped it and destroyed it and had to have it replaced. (One of the leaders after hearing me in my office showing my new laptop to my friends (One who works for IBM, the other on staff) said" You drop it; I'll drop you" (You had to be there ...he is also the treasurer).
5. Not being too tactful about issues. Sometimes I can come across as rude or mean ..not meaning too but really I recognize (Just think Dr. House) that I'm very blunt at times. I need to work on that.
6. Needing accountability. I've been getting it. My leaders (Scarey) know my fears, struggles and some of the things I need working on. Sometimes honesty can get you fired but in this way - I feel and get support.

What about you?

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