Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19 Note: Covid 19

Good morning everyone!
On Wednesday evening through cell phones , the church elders met voted in favor of closing the church this Sunday until it is safe to open services again. This will be evaluated on a weekly basis since the news of this pandemic is fluid and ever changing
Then earlier this week we received the news that the commonwealth of Virginia was shutting down all public gatherings of 10 people or more anyway.
So where does that leave us as a church?
Actually in pretty good shape.
We have the ability to stay connected in ways that were not available in years past.
Below is a sample of what we can do. It is a work in progress but it helps give you an idea of what we are shooting for.
Every week we send out prayer requests via email.
We have an active account on facebook. It is a great place to share prayer requests and to share stories and to stay in touch with each other. Our preacher is active on facebook, Instagram, twitter, and has a youtube channel.We did do a recent test drive on live streaming our services and probably will do this in the near future.
For those of you who are not technically inclined, there are things you can do as well.
We have copies of our lessons and sermons in our foyer. You can also make arrangements to have communion supplies. Arrangements can be made for giving. We’re looking into online as well as physical stewardship.
For those that need a personal touch, we are going to be actively calling our seniors , to ensure that they have what they need and to still have that contact that is so important for them and us.
If you are in need, need to talk, need some help, need prayer, you can always email me at or call: 804-266-0665 and leave a message or call my cell.
Thanks for all you do. Keep being Jesus’ hands and feet.
In Him, Gerrard Fess.

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