Friday, March 01, 2019

Fallen Pastors/ Second Chances and Grace Extended.

Not a week goes by I don't hear about a Fallen pastor. Celebrity pastor. Perry Noble, Mark Driscoll, Billy Graham's grandson, James Macdonald … etc. I have several of their books. thought they had it all. In the 80s it was TV evangelists …. Sometimes we think Bigger is Better. The fact is (even with David in the Bible - a man after God's own heart) that pastors mess up. Sometimes Big Time. they put their pants on like anyone else. They need a Saviour. Jesus is that Saviour. There but the grace of God go I.

Here are some thoughts I've had for awhile on this very topic:

1. Accountability is important.

2. We all mess up.

3. There is consequences for sinful action.

4. I love second chances, don't you?

5. Forgiven people, forgive.

6. Grace extended, is grace released.

7. Love God, Love others, see people as God would.

8. Take the log out of your own eye; meanwhile I'm still taking the forest out of mine.

9. Repent isn't just a word leads to action.

10. Release the past; don't look back. Learn from it. Move forward. Love all, forgive all, learn from your mistakes.

Anything else you would add?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, love second chances. I also know that Jesus loves second chances as well. Sadly, sometimes in the church, we shoot our wounded and thus a second chance doesn't happen. Great post, Gerrard.

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