Thursday, November 16, 2017

Things you preacher wished people not know?

what are some of the things that Church Leaders would not want people to know? (I wrote this in 2011)

I. We mess up all the time. Sure there is the whole put the preacher on the pedestal thing .... but really we struggle with sin, and tend to put on this holy self-righteous mask and really don't want people to know our deepest darkest hurts or sins. We're afraid people use it against us; or won't forgive; or see us in a different light.

II. Sometimes we want to quit. We want to throw in the towel. Sometimes it happens first thing on Monday morning. We wish the conflict, the fights, the backstabbing, the dishonesty .... (Really, you think you deceive me by lying to my face?) would stop.

III. We do compare ourselves to others. Heck, we might of even dreamed of being that Mega-Superstar, cool, pastor that every one likes and wants to be invited to the conventions is ourselves. Then we pray "God just use me, I don't need to be the next mega whoever ...but it sure would be nice."

IV. Sometimes we like our non-Christian friends better than our Church ones. (And even sometimes they treat us better).Don't use the pastor appreciation month just once a year ...

V. That YES we use the internet .... and sometimes we use other resources.

What are some things you wish people didn't know about you?

What would or wouldn't you tell your church leader?

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