Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Prayer from last Sunday

(I used this prayer I came across for illustration in my sermon on Sunday)

In this church, and may your will be done here as it is in heaven! For this we pray.

Feed us today, O Lord, as
you have done every day of our lives. We thank-you for our daily food. We have so much and we enjoy it and praise you for it, knowing that it comes from you. Let this be our Prayer:
Heavenly Father, you are holy, righteous, pure and perfect, and we worship you through Jesus Christ your Son, our Savior, Lord and King.

May your kingdom rule be here
Forgive us, O Lord, as we forgive those who sin against us. Help us to walk in your forgiveness and grace.
Please do not lead us into temptation, Father, for we are weak. But deliver us from the evil one.
Grant wisdom, courage, and strength to our elders who shepherd this flock that you have put under their care. Thank-you for each one of them. May they lead us, discipline us, and encourage us and be an example for us in your ways and will according to your holy Word. Please help me to preach and teach and practice your holy word as the minister of the gospel in this congregation, O Lord, and that I may call every member here into the glorious goodness of your will, and proclaim the whole counsel of your Word.

Bless our deacons who serve this church with faithful service. And we thank-you for them and the good works that they do in service to this congregation. Bless the wives and families of all the leaders of this congregation. We thank-you so much for faithful Christian wives who serve with their husbands in this church.
Bless the teachers who serve this church by preparing and presenting your word and will in our Bible classes and bless those that work to organize this work of ministry.

Bless our elderly members on whose shoulders we stand who have labored and sacrificed and given their time and energy to planting and building this church. We pray for them that your presence and strength will overshadow them and that we will honor them as we should.

Bless all our faithful husbands and wives with homes that are filled with love and truth according to your will. Bless our children with faith and strength. May they grow to be fruitful servants in your kingdom and enjoy the blessings of your nearness and love all the days of their lives.

Oh, holy Father, let us be a disciplined church. Let us walk in the way of your will according to your word. Let us receive your discipline with open hearts and minds. Let us be transformed into your likeness. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

In Jesus Name. Amen.

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