Things I've learned about Hosting Groups at your church Facility.

1. Have a contract. Stating what the expectations are and what can and cannot be done.

2. Have a Usage Form. Similar to contract and gives the duties and fees etc.

3. Be Consistent.

4. Make sure well used. Facility is no good if empty most of the week.

5. Opportunity to reach out to the community.

6. Possible Groups: Adult Day Care (We had a group called: Grace place); Scouts (Girls/Boys); Care-a-van (Medical services); Government (We're a polling place); Gym - exercise groups - zumba, yoga etc

7. Can be an outreach as a service to people. Don't view as a project or people to automatically be coming to your church. Exposure doesn't always equate visitors but does communicate you care.

8. Be in it for the long haul. Hosting groups is an investment. It not only requires monetary and physical resources but also a mediator of sorts to go between as a rep between the groups and the church itself.

9. Be creative. We currently have a Hispanic congregation meeting in our facility and consider it an honor and opportunity to help a church that otherwise wouldn't be there.

10. Have fun. Remember the focus of ministry isn't the facilities. Buildings and the such are tools; not the goal. In Bible College they don't teach you about all the facility logistics - but be willing to learn, adapt, know the codes(Regulations) in the area etc.


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