Wednesday, April 02, 2014

AHA - Awakening Honesty Action - Review.

Description I've found:

Kyle Idleman has heard dozens of stories from people about their aha! moments. In this newest book, he shares the common threads from their stories, and the story of the prodigal son that will help you reconnect with the love of our heavenly Father. Drawing on Scriptural truths, he outlines three key elements (Awakening, Honesty, Action) that will draw you closer to God and change your life for good.

My thoughts:

Kyle's book is spot on. It is like the light finally comes on when no one was home. The God moment indeed changes everything. It has for me. It will for you. And then we come to our senses. This book points us to not merely listen and read but apply to our lives. My prayer is you have an "AHA" moment and be transformed and pointed to Jesus.

In this together.

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