Friday, February 28, 2014

Four Things You can be doing to Improve your Church.

Here are 4 things you can be doing to help the church you attend.

I. Pray for the church, its leaders and that it would be doing what God has called them to.

II. Encourage the other members of the church. Phone calls, cards, emails. Check on those missing. Be a fountain in people's lives, not a drain. Let them see the Joy of Jesus in you.

III. Participate in the activities of the church. Volunteer. Serve. Go to Bible School, be in the Worship service. Encourage the preacher.

IV. Give. Give of your time, your talents, and your treasure. Nothing speaks volumes that people investing into Kingdom Work. Ownership. Working as if for the Lord. Bloom where you are planted. God has you there, let's do life together.

If you start doing the 4 things above ...there is nothing like instead of playing church, being the church to the World. Let's all point people to Jesus. Whose with me?

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