Monday, November 18, 2013

A Tale of Two Churches ..In God's timing.

Looking back at ministry and the "What of, could ofs" in it .... there is a variety of factors. Mistakes, decisions ... and issues but ultimately I believe God is in control.

From lessons of a young youth minister in Ohio to learning in Indiana to being close to family in Virginia and being a leader and servant in NC to what it means to be a preacher in Maryland to God's timing to being lead to Bonnie Brae.

Looking back I've had some great friends, challenges, and lessons along the way.

Back in 2004-2005 there were talks of two churches, two staffs, and a possible "Merger" of sorts ..... It was a fun, prayerful dream but who knew God had other plans.

Capital City and Cary Christian (The church were I served) were in the mix. Needless to say it didn't materialize other than the staff talking. Years later all the staff is gone and moved on. Capital City did merge with a church, called Lifepointe. And I'm told in 2014 Cary Christian will be no longer or rather will merge with THE Pointe and be the Cary campus. Kind of cool how God pulled this off. Two churches ....that merged elsewhere and God is using their resources partnering with Kingdom Growth. Prayerfully keep these ventures in mind and how God continues to be in the midst of it all. Seems that the Vision was cast, but it was in God's timing.

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