Monday, August 19, 2013

I've Got a Few Words for Ya!

I've Got a Few Words for Ya!

It use to be Generation X's motto of "I've got two words for ya"

And then of course there is the old knowing lines from movies - such from Tom Hanks in "League of Their Own" - "There's no crying in baseball" (Unless you're a Yankees Fan this year)

And of course I think the newest line or oldest line in Ministry "There's No Crying in Ministry."

I've seen the tears. I've seen them not only from youth and emotions and hormones run wild but of ministers. Sure there are times to quit; sure there are times when the church abuses you; sure there are times when bad things happen but fact is - God doesn't want the weak to lead nor babies to keep focusing on the elementary things.

Ministry isn't for whiners, criers, quitters, or is it a stepping stone, easy, all fun and games, babysitting, or for just the young or just the old.

Whiners need not apply!

There is NO Crying in Ministry.

Ministry is tough. Ministry is for those that feel the call to love God's people that want to love God. Who see beyond themselves and see what God can do rather than what they can do on their own.

Ministry isn't about gimmicks; being first; last or inbetween. It is about passion. It is about grace, mercy, forgiveness, pressing on, not looking back but stepping forward to see where God can take you and other people in being the Church where you are!

The problem is we have too many whiners in ministry. We have too many churches that just don't get what ministry is about. It isn't so much about teens, family, nor increasing the size of your group as it is as much about doing what God would have us to do.

It isn't for the weak, lame, those that want to do nothing but for those that can't depend upon themselves and can give none of the credit but to the Lord.

Basically Ministry is more about Jesus and less about us. The more our churches get that point - the better off we'll be.

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