A Letter I wrote to our Church.

October 2012

Dear Church Family:

It is with great regret that I write this letter to inform you of my resignation as the Lead Minister at The Church of Christ at Hagerstown, effective immediately. I am resigning due to personal reasons.

This role has changed my life over the four years. My work with the congregation could hardly be called work at all – it had gifted my life with purpose, challenge, humor, and feelings that no words can capture. We are fortunate to have such a great group of people at the church. The future of the Church of Christ at Hagerstown is assured – it will rest in capable hands.

I have prayed about this decision, and truly believe it is the right thing to do.

May you be the Hands and Feet of Jesus.

I want to thank you for this opportunity to work with the people at the church. The church is our greatest assets. I want to encourage everyone to continue to pray for each, work with one another, cheer each other on, and recognize that there is No perfect person, just a Perfect God which we serve.

If I can help in finding a replacement in this role, please don’t hesitate to ask. I want the future successor to be nothing short of magnificent. Our people deserve the best.
Thank you for your understanding and the privilege of serving the people at the Church of Christ at Hagerstown.


Gerrard R. Fess


Noteable Scraps said…
I'm sorry to hear you are resigning. Do you know where you are going? You, your family, and the church will be in our prayers.

Debra Haagen

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