He Chose the Nails. - A Review.

I read "He Chose the Nails" a few years ago. I re-read it again this year - after being given a free copy to review. (I had regretfully given alot of my Lucado books away in a past ministry and wish to reclaim and rebuild my personal library for study.)

Max Lucado makes it so clear and understandable for what God did to win our hearts. Christ did it for us. The tools of toture tell their own story. One of the biggest things to this book (and wasn't there when it first came out) includes now a study guide where you can use this book as a discussion guide for your small groups. (Well worth the price alone)

Knowing Christ chose the nails. Knowing what final message that Christ sent for us ...what should we do as a result. The author gives a lot of food for thought of "the symbols surrounding Christ's crucifixion, revealing the claims of the cross and asserting that if they are true, then Christianity itself is true" (A description of the book found on Amazon)

The challenge is there is if Christ chose the nails and to die for us, what do we need to do as a result? The choice is ours to either accept Jesus or rejection Him altogether. In the words of Joshua, "as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." May that be your prayer too!!


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