Friday, March 16, 2012

It's Not About Me - Max Lucado - A review.

I'll be honest ... I read and have a lot of Lucado's books. Why? Because they are simple, sound, and concise.

This one took me awhile to get reading at first. Why was that? Perhaps because I'm still getting used to using and reading certain books on my e-reader. Perhaps it was too simple. Perhaps because of life itself. Anyways ... Max Lucado again writes a homerun book. A good reminder that it isn't about US, but about Him.

One of my favourite chapters was Chapter Eight. The story of G.R. Tweed hit home. As we are to be reflecting the mirror of our Lord (2 Cor. 3:16) In Chapter 9, Max Lucado shares about a European priest who gathered the Church for a special service .... in the darkness of the night ...they waited.

Soon the priest arrived. "when he reached the crucifix that hung on the wall, he lit a candle. Saying nothing, he illuminated the pierced feet of Christ, then the side, then one hand, and then the other. Lifting the candle, he shed light on the blood masked face and the crown of thorns. With a puff, he blew out the candle and dismissed the church." pg. 69

What a powerful illustration and remind that it isn't about US but about Him!!! May we be mirroring that. This book was a good reminder for anyone WHO it is all about.

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