30 Pieces Offering!!

This past Sunday we gave out some small draw string bags to our children's ministry. The children and their families are to put their spare change (Coins, dollars etc) in them and bring the bags back in 2weeks for our Easter Service as an offering.

During our Easter Service - we will have a time where the children can bring their bags of coins and present the to the Cross and put them near the foot of the Cross (Which we have in the front of our Auditorium).

Why 30 pieces? And what does this represent?

Well, we like, Judas, have betrayed Jesus with our own sinfulness .... We nailed Jesus to the Cross. (Actually our sin did and (Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23 reminds of this) And so we give back our offering to Him for in Romans 5:8 "while we were yet sinners .... Christ died for us." Our special offering will got to one of our missions to surprise them as well ......

This might be an idea you can use in your ministry as well.

Are you doing anything special or different for Resurrection Lord's Day? aka Easter Sunday?

Let me know of some ideas that have worked or didn't work.

Reminds me of the Cancelling of This
event .... hmmm might be a bit of both poor planning and poor parents ...


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