Friday, December 02, 2011

Impact, Transform, Lead ...

So how are you impacting your community?

If your church ever left the community would it be missed?

How are you being transformed?

Transforming others?

How are you leading?

Others leading you?

What would you say is your impact factor?

Around this time of year is the ever important evaluations. People evaluate the leaders, the ministry, see what we done, and where we are going. How is it measured? People's stories.

This past year we had 11 baptisms, 5 funerals, 2 renewing of vowes ceremonies, several dedications, and one oil annointing.

As I reflect back on the past year I think of several events: Easter Balloon Launch, VBS, Harvest Party, and the several Bible readings we did this past year.

I think of being with several families who lost loved ones: Myers, Huntsberrys, Reeds, Peli, and their stories.

And of course of newborns: Ava, Harlem, Lilah, David and others ...

But it comes down to my own self evaluation ... How am I doing? How am I being Jesus' hands and feet.

If I'm honest, I would say not as good as I'd like to be. How about you?

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