Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pastor2Youth Contest

I'm thinking of Entering this Contest? (Thoughts?) (Getting FREE stuff for our Church) Photo Contest:

Starts on Friday, Oct. 21st and Ends on Sunday, Nov. 20th at Midnight (PST).

Winners will receive all prizes in Downloadable format from Simply Youth Ministry!

* Take a picture in the most unique place possible with a sign (readable) that says “”.
* Pictures can NOT be photoshopped. They must be real, genuine pictures you take.
* The pastor2youth signs must be held in someone’s hand, not placed on the ground or hung up on a wall.
* When you have posted your picture, send an email to with the links to where the picture is posted.
* By emailing the links to the photos, you agree to allow those pictures to be used by and on the website for promotional purposes and for display both during and after the contest. (ownership of those photos remains yours, but you are giving permission for to use and display those pictures.)

Bonus Points:
Even “normal” location pictures could win with the following bonus point options:
* Bonus points for having multiple people holding pastor2youth signs
* Bonus points for multiple places where you post your picture (Blog, website, facebook, twitter, etc.) NOTE: The links for each of these locations must remain active until the end of the contest for it to count.
* Bonus points for having someone hold the pastor2youth sign(s) when it isn’t necessarily the most convenient time (i.e. The cashier at a grocery check-out stand when you can see that there is a line of people waiting to be checked out.) However, the lack of convenience must be evident in the picture itself.
* Bonus Points if you get other people to post your picture on their site (Blog, website, facebook, twitter, etc.)

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