Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eric: A Fellow Classmate

Eric's obituary

Turns out last week we had a tragedy in our community. A fellow church leader went to be with the Lord.

I knew Eric. We took several classes through Meritus Medical Center. From Ground Rounds to the Spiritual Cares Conference.

We had moved to the area at the same time, and even had children around the same age.

How I found out about Eric's death was a parent at my kids' school mentioned to me "It was good to see I was alive." (They thought it was me at first who died)

As I've been processing this whole thing ... I went to the Visitation at the Funeral Home a little early. It was odd. I got to met and pay my respects to his widow and two kids (They hadn't even seen their father up to this point and were about to) I knew there was about to be lots of family and friends there for support so didn't stay too long only to say they were in my prayers.

So what does one do in the midst of tragedy?

I. Listen. Just be there. The Ministry of Presence is so important.

II. Pray. Pray for the words to say. Pray in the silence. Pray for those hurting.

III. Follow-up - the next few days, weeks, months, and even years ahead will be tough - don't not forget.

IV. Show love. Sometimes a hug, a card, a little reminder helps to go a long way.

Tragedy isn't easy. This one is not.

As I went to a pastors' meeting just a few days after hearing the news ... I was reminded by each of them that:

1. There is Help.

2. You are not Alone.

3. Seek others to get help.

4. Let us work together for the Kingdom.

Not very easy. Sometimes it seems like ministry can be lonely, hurting, and a Big Task .... But know that God is there and has His Co-workers there to support you.

Pray for us.

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