Writing Takes Time.

Writing takes time. It takes effort to try to put some intelligent words to paper and come up with a Great idea. To be a writer one needs to be a reader and learner as well. Here are some ideas what to write about:
1. Write what you know. 2. Write simply. 3. Write to yourself first, then to others. 4. Research and document what you write about. 5. Take a break from writing now and then. 6. Know that your "works" won't always be published by a Great Publishing House. (Thinking you can make tons of $$$ by writing is setting yourself up for failure - unless your name is Rick Warren or Francis Chan ...forget about the "Being a Minor Christian celebrity") 7. Be willing to take criticism. 8.The longerthesentencesgetandrunalltogethertheharderitistoread. Keep it short, simple and to the point. 9. Have fun doing it. 10. Write what works for you. For me It is thinking through some Top 10 type list (David Letterman's Top 10 influence) and writing like that. Others it is writing a story, and others it is a one idea ... and having it flow. Do what works for you. Blogging and writing isn't easy. There are tons of blogs out there and bloggers but they either give up due to time - don't do it daily enough or do it too much and turn off readers. (I know one guy that posts like 5 or more things a day and other bloggers don't post in a month)


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