Troop 252

This year our congregation started to sponsor a Boy scout troop. The troop had to be chartered and basically had nothing. They had to be given a different number from where they came from - thus I suggested 252. Why? It is the only passage of scripture where Jesus is mentioned around 12 years old. Luke 2:52 "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men."

Just under a dozen young men and their families meet at our facility weekly. They started this Fall. We, also have a Cub Scout Unit that meets here too, and about to be re-chartered here as well.  So once a week - we have near a 100 people come to our facility that might not do so otherwise.

Needless to say, people would think this would be a challenge. Not so. We been trying to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our community; and this helped us to do so. We've had several people help make anonymous donations to the troop to make sure they had the equipment they needed to do their trips etc. (Most Troops would already have this and their fundraising would go to support their Children's activities and not the equipment needed for these events (Because most troops have had them for years and even decades)). It indeed has been a good thing.

Last night, I had the honour (along with my family) to be at their end of the year Court of Honor. It feels like they are family. We're still getting to know one another, support one another, and our church - well Be the Church and example to these young men. We've had several families come to our congregation as a result.

Continue to pray for these families.

Scouting is a good thing. My son looks forward to the time - He can join scouts, and my girls enjoy the time they have in Girl Scouts. Look for ways you can be involved.  I received last night (on behalf of the church) the Charter that was granted to the church. It was a Great moment.


Fred RIchardson said…
Welcome to the Scouting Family. When the girls turn 14 or complete 8th grade they can join Venturing which is Boy Scouts co-ed high adventure and leadership program. Then the entire family can participate in the same opportunities.

Fred Richardson
Eagle 1981

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