Saturday, November 27, 2010

Update on See You Tomorrow

So I got in the habit of telling one of my friends, "See You Tomorrow." Finally, my friend asked me "What does that mean?" (Is there a joke?) My reply: "No joke. Just I'll see you tomorrow whether here, there or in the air. Lord willing."

We're not always guaranteed today; but when THAT "Tomorrow" comes; we shall be reunited with HIM.  No matter what happens; we're going to Praise HIM. Praise the Lord in all things.

2 Peter 3: 8-14 reminds us of this. We get to look forward to a new earth and a new  heaven, the home of righteousness.

1 Thess. 5: 10 says "He died for us so that, whether we wake or asleep, we may live together with him."

My friend's health isn't great. I don't know what the future holds for my friend,(Nor for me) but I do know WHO holds the future. And until then, I'm going to continue to tell her "I'll see you tomorrow."

We serve a GREAT God.

Tomorrow offers Hope, faith, and love. Tomorrow exists because of Jesus. Thank God for His Grace.

I'll see you tomorrow.  I had arrangely wrote this October 13, 2010. As of today ... my friend went to be with the Lord. The last time I said "I'll see you tomorrow" was last nite .... We sang some songs ...(Amazing Grace and It is Well ... as well as I read Psalm 23) Keep the family in your prayers. Thanks.

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