Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Three things needed for a Quiet Time

I. You need a purpose. The purpose is to spend more time knowing God and communicating with Him.

II. You’ll need a place. Pick a place where there will be few distractions. Where there is lots of light for reading, reflecting, and writing your thoughts done. A quiet peaceful place so you can concentrate.

III. You’ll need a plan. Pick a Bible reading plan that fits you. If you want to read the Bible in a year – go ahead. Maybe pick out a 30 day plan. There are lots of websites, and books out there to help with your devotional time. The Big thing is to do it. I usually suggest starting with Mark (A short gospel on Jesus’ life), and then go to the Epistles of John. Have a good study Bible, pen, paper. Read the Scripture, journal your thoughts, have a prayer list, answer how this applies to you? And pray and talk with God.

Devotional time is a good habit to start in which you draw a closer relationship with God. Make it a daily habit.

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