Hawks, the NHL and looking ahead ....

I give Chicago their due.

For me I'm pretty consistent. I've been a Leafs fan for yrs and lived near some NHL teams (CANES) and currently CAPS .... and consider myself very fortunate to have seen the CUP. Been to the Finals ... and even seen Ovechkin drafted. The problem with the casual fan or even "Bandwagoner" is the lack of history, knowledge and appreciation for the game. Some would say - see that another US team wins the CUP ...how is it Canada's game? (Forgetting how many Canadians are on their team) or as I heard someone mention isn't Tim Horton's just a donuts place? (Almost took that person out)

What makes the CUP special is the history. These playoffs were special. The Flyers making History for the 3rd time only to come back from a 3-0 deficit and win their series. The Stanley Cup Finals having one of the highest ratings since 1974. Definitely worth it. Now all we can do is wait for the Draft, The Free Agency signings starting Canada Day and a new season beginning in October. Game on!

Just because the playoffs are over, doesn't make Hockey dead. Lots to discuss ...like will it be Tyler or Taylor #1? Where will the Free Agents be? And as we approach another season ... this could end the drought for the Leafs. Game ON!!


EYouthWNY said…
Well first of all Tim Horton's is not JUST a donut place. It is a great donut place (folks can have Krispy Kreme, gimme Timmy)

Agree it was a great Final. Looking forward to the next season.

Here we go Penguins, here we go!

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