The Battle Against Cancer.

I hate Cancer. I really do. It is such a dirty word or tends to be. I've known people who have recently died from it. Know people who have struggled with it; and people currently struggling with it.

I don't know what to say or do. Even a lot of the people on my own prayer list are struggling with Cancer. I just wish I had the answer. I'm thankful for things like Relay for Life. (If you don't participate in Relay for Life - now is your chance)

I'm thankful for the Hope we have in Christ.

If you can pray for those struggling with Cancer. Be the hands and feet of Jesus. Don't say. But just be there for people. Sometimes it is the lack of Words and your presence that counts. May we give all those that struggle with Cancer the Hope of the Great Physician - to heal and for His Will to be Done.



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