Monday, April 26, 2010

Top 10 Things for Short Term Missions Trip

This Friday I leave for a short term missions trip with Hope Missions. We will be working with Diamond Willow Ministries in a native reservation in South Dakota.

Here are some reminders I've come across since preparing for this trip.

I. Get your funds early.

II. Don't forget to get organized and all the necessary paperwork together. I've used a binder and read up on the mission and what we'll be doing before hand.

III. Don't forget to pray. Pray like never before. I've been using the book, Through the Eyes of Christ, A short term missions journal by Donna Thomas ( to help me prepare.

IV. Talk to your family about the opportunity. My wife's response was "You have to go ..."

V. Get packed early. I've had to buy some last minute items and am packing this week.

VI. Get something to read. Keep your mind alert. Those long bus or plane rides (Mine is a 21 Hr Bus ride) have to be filled with time fillers.

VII. Don't forget the reason you are going. It isn't about You but about God using you.

VIII. Enlist others to pray for you during the trip.

IX. Have a commissioning service. At the end of our service on Sunday, one of the church leaders prayed over myself and the team going from our church. (We're partnering with another church to go and only myself and another man (Jeff is his name) are going.

X. Have Fun. Be yourself. I'm looking forward to this trip. There will be obstacles ahead. We leave this Friday. (I'm going to miss my family)

Any others you would add?

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