The Cons of Internet Church!

Aaron Saufley
has had a great bunch of blog posts lately on the new trend of Internet Churches.

I think he makes some good points about the Pros and Cons. I like the idea of ministering to the shut-in, and those that might not be able to make church but much like some TV Evangelism I think Internet Church can be used for a copout.

Here are some reasons I have for not using Internet Church.

I. It loses community. Sure, you can build some community online but where's the accountability?

II. It can make us lazy. We can depend on those who do the "Internet Church" to put ona good show, to entertain us, rather than asking How can I serve in my community and be more like Jesus?

III. It loses the fellowship. The connection. (See Number 1).

IV. The discipleship process is lost. Sure you can start the process but discipleship requires time, energy, money and face to face meetings. Living life together.

V. Worship can be lost. People use it as an excuse - So what do you do on Sundays? Oh, I go to "Internet Church" or I can just worship God by watching it on the internet but do they? It can be used as a lame excuse.

VI. When devoted to the Apostle's teaching - teaching is more than just online curriculum. (see #4). It is also edifying, encouraging, exhorting one another. Hard to rebuke and teach, correct, and train in righteousness just online.

VII. Remembering the Lord's Supper. This one can be tricky. How does one proclaim the Lord's death, burial and resurrection by partaking of the emblems without having the emblems?

VIII. It makes people depending on the church leaders. Hence the consumerism of it ... rather than serving and being shepherded.

IX. It helps stewardship be an afterthought. Just click here to pay your tithe rather than being involved (Sure you can use direct deposit and online banking to pay your congregation in your offerings) But stewardship is more than just giving and watching it online - it is also using your time, talents, and treasures for the Kingdom and giving back how God has blessed you.

X. A passing trend? Sure the Internet is here to stay but the future might bring other technology, tools besides the internet .... the key thing is to recognize these things are just tools in and of themselves and are not to replace that of which God has called us to do ... love Him and love others. Having just an online setting to communicate that message can be easily lost. The message is the goal, not the tool being used.


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