Random Quotes from our Fusion Meeting!

Here are some random but great quotes from our last preachers' meeting that were kind of random but was told to write some of them down.

"Vision has to take in account context and established culture and change it"

"Know the Shepherd's Voice"

Stay Tender without Surrender"

"Meekness does not equal weakness"

"Half the people in 30 years are going to be going to churches that have not been established (started) yet"

"Easier to give birth than raise the dead"

Read Turnaround Churches.

"We can shout on the streets but not vote in Congress."

"Be quick to listen"

Establish a SWAT mentality in your objectives. - Strength, Weaknesses, Accomplishments and Threats to the Programs.

"Never seen a church that doesn't say it isn't a friendly church"


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