This is a revision of an older post I did!

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” Colossians 3:17

Powerful Words
> Words are powerful. I'm learning that more and more. Last month as I was
> with a few of my fellow youth workers, we went indoor rock climbing. It came to me. I get paid to do this. I mean the indoor rock climbing was Free, the
> company wanted us to try it out so that we might bring our groups there.
> They claim to be the “Biggest Indoor Rock Climbing Facility on the East
> Coast.” I don't know how true that is; but it is quite a statement. So
> what does this have to do with words being powerful? Well, A lot
> actually. The claim that this company made was like ok is it for real?
> It got me thinking how real do we make God to ourselves, to others?
> I mean we go through the motions; say the words; or are we just playing
> a game of sorts. What we say makes an impact. And usually what we remember
> is the negative too. When someone has hurt us; or we have hurt someone.
> When someone deals with issues like suicide; divorce; self-esteem and so
> forth. We remember the words. We know the time, the date and so forth
> when tragedy strikes. For me it was my own father who died of a heart
> attack. My mother was saying "You and your stupid God killed my husband;"
> and she just got up and left. That was decades ago; but I still remember.
> I remember a co-worker of mine being murdered and going to his funeral;
> I remember losing loved ones; and thinking Why me God? I remember my own
> sin; my own needs; yet God shaping me and molding me.
> I remember and dwell too often on the bad rather than the good. I also
> remember the good times - becoming a Christian; leading someone to
> Christ; my mentor; my ordination; my wedding; my daughter's birth. Yet
through it all I recognize that words ...Yes, words are powerful. So often we say a picture paints a thousand words; but what does one word or even a
thousand words say? Who we are? How we are? What we are doing?
> In my office, as I look around now, I don't see many pictures but more
> words. Like scripture verses, posters, diplomas, books and so forth.
> They reflect who I am. What I read and study makes up what I think and say
> and do. And as I'm writing this, I want myself, through my example, words
> and all to be a living sermon. To reflect the God in me. That Christ is
> shining in me. It is not easy, nor does the forest that is in my own eye
> easy to log out; but with God's grace I am getting there. So how powerful are your words? What are you doing today to make an impact? Me, I'm getting ready to go to Subway and maybe share a Word or two with them.
> Your Smiling Associate,
> Gerrard :o)
“I talk and talk and talk and I haven’t taught people in fifty years
what my father taught by example in one week – Mario Cuomo, former
governor of New York.


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