
Showing posts from May, 2023

Combating Generalizations of Preachers/ Pastors

 Preachers sometimes have a bad reputation in society. Another scandal, another stereotype, another falling short of expectations. There is even a discussion on physical stereotypes of ministers: skinny jeans, polo shirts, and sometimes out of shape white males. I thought I'd take a few minutes to bring up generalizations I often hear about a preachers' character and work traits. Here are the expressions of angst and some reasons behind the generalizations I often hear for the dislike of those in ministry work. 1. The often come off as knowing it all, they've been there and done that and think they can change the church overnight. Very prideful, and Big heads, unapproachable. 2.  They're always out for your wallet. All they want is your money and to get rich. Bigger is better. Thus the more $$ the more they look good. 3. They lack personal and unbalanced work skills. Extremes - either too lazy (work only one hour a week) or overwork but never take a day off and neglect