
Showing posts from January, 2010

NKJV Greatest Stories of the Bible.

I'll be honest I'm not a Big NKJV fan. Never really was. I was given this book from Thomas Nelson to review and was like why would I want that? The more I read the more intrigued I was though. You see this isn't a Bible. They even say that "This is not a Bible." on their first page. I appreciate that. What it is really is a collection of stories that are cherished and can be told time and time again about God's story interacting with His people. These stories can be told time and time again to small groups, children etc. It is done in such a way it wants people to actually read the Word to see what the Word says about God. In some ways I can almost see this as a Narrator telling the story and people acting it out in front of the whole congregation on a Sunday morning. (It might take some prep but the script seems to be set) A good example is seen through the chapter on Moses and the Burning Bush on page 80. A dialogue of God and Moses, with a Narrator to do th

IDES, Haiti and You!

This past Sunday we gave out tons of these banks for people to collect $$$ for Haiti. Here is IDES' site If you know of a local ministry or need more banks - let us know. We have several hundred of them here. Feb. 7th is when we're collecting the banks and sending the money to IDES. Thanks.

Books on my "To READ shelf"

Here they are in order:

There are 3 Types of Church Libraries.

I. Those that get used. II. Those that are abused. III. And those that aren't used at all. I've been in ministries that had all 3 types. I was in one ministry that the library barely got used, and for space issues and lack of volunteers - we did away with it - but donated the resources and revenue from it back to missions. In one ministry, people were like, you have a library? (Fact was I had more books than the church library did at that time) And seemed some abused the room and yet it was in memory of someone. And there are ones that have the latest resources, someone is staffing it, and there is also a classroom that meets in there. So what type of library does your church have? Or does your church even have one?

Why I'm Not going to Haiti!!

Seems I'm hearing lots of "Famous" Christian celebrities talking about going to Haiti. They want to experience it. It seems to be the cool thing to do. It is all over the news. It would help them embrace short term missions and be out of their comfort zone. God has told them to go. In light of that fact ... Here are some reasons I'm Not Going to Haiti. I. God hasn't told me to go. II. I don't want to be on the whole "Look at me" Fame. III. I think my own time and resources can be spent better here and sending the money there. Afterall, Haitians live off less than 730 dollars US a year or $2 a day. IV. My connections with some of the missions there - they are doing a good job. Missions like IDES, and Lifeline still need help. V. There will be opportunity in the future to go - just not now for me. The rebuilding in Haiti will take years. VI. There seems to be need be intentional about how to rebuild there. VII. Maybe the best thing to do is adopt or s

Robbing God? Malachi 3 -4

This week's sermon looks at Malachi and are we robbing God of His House and His Service.

The Fess Family Heritage

I always Found this site Interesting. Back in the 80s (And Special Thanks to My Aunt Marion) I did alot of work and history of the Fess family and all the various links of Hoovers, Houses, Schweyers, Hares etc. Here is a Brief History from my DAD. (Which I was always told there was a Family Bible with the History in it and the story of the 3 brothers before I found this website - and both from the same area.) So here is the History I gather. (And interesting enough is the American History and American connection as well) My relatives came over from Alsace-Lorraine to land in Phillie, PA and migrated to Rainham Twpship in Southern Ontario in 1847. Solomon Fess (1804 - 1848) His Son Peter Fess 1832 - 1911 His son Henry Fess 1857 - 1932 His son Walter Leslie 1894 - 1970 Then My Dad Sheldon Fess Then me. Anyone else know their family History? I don't know why my family left. Might be interesting to learn that and any connections back in Europe. I know I have alot of the other variabl


Saw the "RUSAVD" on the back of a personalized license plate from WVA around my home. I'm like "Really?" "How cute, you really think someone is going to ask you about Jesus because you have that on your license plate?" Fact is that license plate similar to the tracts above ask the wrong questions. They speak Christianese rather than taking people from where they are to where they need to be. R U SAVD? Come on. Will those that don't know Jesus, really know they need to be saved? Saved from what? Show me one scripture ... just one .... where someone asked someone who didn't know Jesus "Are you saved?" Come on. Let's get real. It isn't even about saving or presenting the gospel message, is it?! It is about being arrogant, and rubbing in ...what you would called Lost people that you know Jesus and they don't. SAD thing is, this person probably thinks that is all they have to do is just have this license plate and pray that so

The Justice Project - A Review.

I received this book via Baker Books from a recommendation of a friend. I would be the first that I had a misconception of what the word and meaning of Justice was. Especially Social Justice. At first glimpse I thought "oh, great another liberal book to try to swallow" But as I was reading it it gave a different glimpse. This book is a collection of writings of a variety of different authors, backgrounds etc. on asking the Bigger questions such as what is Justice? How does it impact me etc. The book is broken into 5 sections. I. The God of Justice. II. The Book of Justice. III. Justice in the USA IV. A Just World. V. A Just Church. And then ends with the conclusions. One of the chapters I keep coming back to is early in the book, Chapter 4. The Chapter is entitled: "A Tradition of Justice"- Snapshots of the the church pursuing justice across the major periods of church history. The author is Jenell Williams Paris. It is an interesting insight to where we have come a

I am a Chair!

I am a chair from buckheadchurch on Vimeo .

Thinking of starting a business: International Falling star Registry.

What do you think? afterall, they have the ads for Star Registry who cares about naming a star after someone? why not name a rock after someone? Afterall, stars stay longer meteors disappear. Here is the definition I need to patent this. Just send me $19.95 and I'll make sure to send you a piece of paper with a picture of a meteor on it. Then there is the whole glow in the dark Toilet idea I have. There are seats and other gimmicks for the toilet but I'm taking the whole John glowing which I haven't seen being promoted.

Just Bigger Kids.

People been asking how I like being the preacher, as opposed to the Youth Minister. Sometimes it comes across as "so, how do you like having your own church?" My response usually is: "Oh, the church really isn't mine and I don't have my own church is Jesus'" And then it turns to the changes in my role. Then my response is that the ministry is different. I just work with Bigger Kids. That isn't a bad thing. We have all sorts of people. I love the congregation I serve. Every church has its own unique challenges and ministries and little personalities. The congregation I serve has come through some much pain and hurt. Their journey in a lot of ways reflects my own life. The church had started off good, then one of their leaders passed away and they went through their own periods of UPs and DOWNS, and learning things the hard way. I've been there. Experiencing my own Father's death and others changed my life and thus learning through the sc

Selkirk, Ontario

Selkirk, Ontario I grew up in Selkirk. Was born in Hamilton, but raised in Selkirk. Fact is my one brother, Mike, still loves in the home I grew up in. I call where I grew up the Florida of Canada. It is about as south as you can go until you hit the border. Fact was growing up we can pick up both Buffalo, NY and Erie, PA stations. I loved Selkirk. Great people. Not too many famous things happened there. I know the history of the churches. Fact is the only famous "Residents" from Selkirk (Other than the family connections like Hoover, Kindy, Cooper) had some connections to church.Jim Johnson (Now a famous preacher in the midwest once Interned at the Selkirk Church of Christ Christian Chapel - my home church). Terry Tanner is listed as my mentor but interesting his wife is mentioned more and quoted in a Restoration history book about the Restoration Movement in Ontario. I do love Selkirk. I'm one of the few that left and haven't been back that much. I know have several

An Open Letter to some Thieves.

Jan. 16, 2010. (Back story our church was broken into Sunday Jan. 10th early Monday morning sometime. Also found out a former attender to our church was arrested Thursday, January 7 for robbing a local bank the day before) Dear Thieves, I want to applaud you for breaking into our church building this past Sunday night. As you can see we don’t keep much cash around. Fact is you did more damage than the loose change you got. We, (The Church) purposely don’t know keep lots of funds in our building for a reason. Why? Because we believe that the operating expenses of the church isn’t to be sitting around but to be used for the Kingdom of God. As you can tell we’re a simple, poor congregation that wants to serve Jesus. Yet we are rich. (But that’s a sermon in and of itself if you attend I might explain more) If you needed food, clothes or even money – odds are you could ask.(And probably would of gotten something for your troubles) Your breaking in our congregation did remind us that we are

Haitian Earthquake Response

Haitian Earthquake Response From Christian Standard Email I got. Sketchy reports are available from Christian church mission works in Haiti in the wake of the severe earthquake whose epicenter was southwest of Port-au-Prince yesterday at 4:53 p.m. Larry Sims, field services manager with International Disaster Emergency Services (IDES) in Kempton, Indiana, reported on contacts already made with Lifeline Christian Mission in Grand Goave, Living Water Christian Mission in Gonaives, and Christian Mission of South Haiti. The Lifeline mission's Web site includes updates from a team of 58 women who were on a mission trip there when the quake happened. The report includes news of medical emergencies, a sleepless night, and unstable food and water supplies. "We don't have supplies to treat all the people here. They are coming in large numbers with broken limbs and severe wounds. The Grand Goave Hospital collapsed." IDES had previously shipped two food containers to Lifeline

Random Quotes from our Fusion Meeting!

Here are some random but great quotes from our last preachers' meeting that were kind of random but was told to write some of them down. "Vision has to take in account context and established culture and change it" "Know the Shepherd's Voice" Stay Tender without Surrender" "Meekness does not equal weakness" "Half the people in 30 years are going to be going to churches that have not been established (started) yet" "Easier to give birth than raise the dead" Read Turnaround Churches. "We can shout on the streets but not vote in Congress." "Be quick to listen" Establish a SWAT mentality in your objectives. - Strength, Weaknesses, Accomplishments and Threats to the Programs. "Never seen a church that doesn't say it isn't a friendly church"

The Climate Change Religion Formerly the 'Church' of Global Warming!

Here is a quote I had seen by F. Graham on the Climate Change gathering in Copenhagen. "What is happening, however, in gatherings like this is frightening to me. A legitimate concern for the stewardship of our resources has been replaced by a radical, godless worldview that elevates the creation to idolatrous status." I think in some ways he is right. We've replaced the concern for "Mother Earth" and the whole man-made global warming religion ...rather than Worshipping the CREATOR, people worship creation. IT isn't new. As Solomon reminds us, "There is nothing new under the sun." We are suppose to be good stewards of the resources God has given us. We are not to abuse nor misuse what God has given us. What I think is we need a balance - people take it too far or not far enough. What do you think? BTW Climate Change is listed as an religion

Our Church Breakin!

Here is the note I wrote our Church Family, after the church breakin last nite and informing them of such. Jan. 11, 2010 Dear Church Family, I want you to pray. Pray for our Church and our leaders. If you can do that RIGHT now that would be GREAT!!! It seems sometimes when we take 2 steps forward - Satan wants to throw a WRENCH into the plans. In the Spiritual Warfare that is going on (READ Ephesians 6:10-20) there are things that might discourage us. But TAKE courage God is with us; who can be against us?! Now for the Spiritual battle or rather the Minor Wrench that Satan tried to discourage us today. You see last nite our building was broken into. The police were called this morning. There is some damage. Doors - locks etc. It looks like someone tried to get some loose change and was looking for the offering $$$. The good news is nothing of value (Sound System, laptops, computers, TVs, Equipment etc is missing) A few doors were damaged and a few cabinets. Whoever did it was throug

MY BFF: Susan Boyle

I just love Susan's story. I have her CD. Love her music. I do find it interesting in the whole Contemporary versus Hymns debate that the Number one Album this past Fall featured 3 hymns. Weird!

Tri-State Christian Service Camp Slideshow

Top 10 Canada vs USA Rivalry Moments

The Space Time Continum.

God created Time. God interacts with Time though isn't bound by it in and of itself though he operates by the rules of time is above it as well. I would think God has this own space time continum. (Pardon the Star Trek Theology interaction) Therefore since God created Time; knows the time - and interacts with it - He may know what happens in the End of Time but ultimately allows things to play out within Time but may interrupt it as it accomplishes His Will. God's Foreknowledge is He knows all things - is involved with Things but allows Time to be tested as well. Example: No One But the Father Knows when the Son is to Return. God gives us FREE Will; but also knowing WHO God is .... predestination is a Biblical Term - though differently understood than that of the Calvinism theology. Anyways I'm rambling. As this deals with prayer - I think there are times when God interacts and can change His mind in answer to prayer. There seems to be some scriptural examples of this. Jona

Is it ok to Doubt?

I think Doubt is OK. We like to think certain emotions or feelings are wrong; but God created them. It is what you do as a result of them that makes you. Doubt is ok and is from God ...but what you do with the result of that doubt whether it is right or wrong. To doubt and continue in it and to lead down to a path of destruction isn't healthy but to doubt and explore helps. I don't know if it makes sense but there are several characters throughout the Bible that get their fair share of criticism but never were really rebuked for doubting but God helped enhance their beliefs. Example: Thomas - was never rebuked for doubting. Job questioned God and God answers - not His doubts, but Says He is God ... in the end of Job. Abraham trusts God yet doubts as time where God is; or rather what He is doing. (Thus takes matters into His own hands at times - example: Hagar) Jonah doubted and thought God needed to destroy Ninevah. etc. It isn't the feelings that lead to sin but letting th

A Man Named Bible!

So Yesterday during my sermon I mentioned about a man named Bible. You see, I was visiting a family last week, and an 18 mth old boy was trying to grasp people's name. One such young man, (Jake is His real name) tried to teach the boy the name the item He was holding was a Bible. The boy thought Jake was pointing to himself and thus assumed the man's name was Bible. And so the name stuck. I got to see this young man call his new friend, Bible. He was like, "Where's Bible?" "I want Bible." And would get upset when he didn't see his friend. Which I brought up this in my sermon. How would you like to be named by someone: "God's Word." Talk about living up to high standards. To be Holy. To be living, active, breathing, walking scriptures and sermons in Shoes. In other Words; being the Hands and Feet of Jesus to others. Just like, Jake, who is the Bible to this 18mth old young child; so shall we be living and active Sermons and "Bibles&

A Sermon Series Idea: What would God say to (Insert Person's Name)

So I've been thinking about a Sermon Series on what would God say to (Blank) Here is an example: What would God say to President Barak Obama? (Romans 13 Church & Government) What would God say to Tiger Woods? (Purity and Marriage) What would God say to Oprah? (Advice - Proverbs) What would God say to Taylor Swift? (The use of music and Worship)or Susan Boyle? What would God say to Donald Trump? (Money Management) What would God say to Simon Cowell? (The book of James and the Tongue) What would God say to Jack Bauer? (A look into the life of David and His Men) What would God say to the latest Survivor or Reality Show winner? (The idea of compassion, justice -looking after those less fortunate rather than just #1) What would God say to You? (Following Jesus everyday) Other suggestions?

The Theology of McDonalds.

"Good Time Great Taste" "I'm loving it!" "You Deserve a break today" So yesterday we went to the Fancy Golden Arches Restaurant for my son's birthday. What if church were more like McDonalds? Treating people like they were First? The problem with Church, is we do a lot of comparisons to it being a Business. We, (Myself included), treat church as Consumers, rather than Contributers. We want it our way, right away rather than viewing church as something we give ourselves to. The congregation I serve is currently "Too big to be small, but too small to be big." We're at the point where we can't do everything (Nor should we) yet people complain and compare us to MR.MEGA Walmart Church. (I tend to and am hard on myself and sometimes my own strongest critic) Back to McDonalds, It seems to me that this restaurant puts on a good front. A good face, and sometimes a good product. The problem is it isn't really of substance. It gets old f

Bumper Sticker Theology?

HT to Teri C.

Welcome to 2010

Well it is official. 2010 is here! Been pretty busy week. Running to the hospital. Planning a birthday party. For one week, I have a 7,6 and 5 year old. And somewhere in there fit ministry. So far 2010 looks good. That is like as in 2009, God is still in control. (BTW the pic here is from a friend of mine who just a few days ago took this of the Grand Canyon) The Winter Classic was great only downfall was announcing the USA team ... during the Winter Classic when the NHL isn't a primarily US market nor American % made up of players anyways . ... that rant will be later.