
Showing posts from December, 2007

The 3D's of Blogging

Inspired by the The 4C's So you want to blog? Here is 3D's - that might help you in the blogging world. 1. Direction. Blog on what you know. Find your voice and who your audience is. 2. Determination. Blog with passion. communicate. Network. Read other blogs. See ways you can learn from others and update and improve your blogging skills. Think outside the box. Sometimes having skills is more than knowing the lines from Napoleon Dynamite. It would be giving a different perspective - like what if Summer had won? Be determined to blog well. 3. Don't ramble. People want clear, concise, shared posts. Short posts with meaning are better than having your whole thesis and dissertation from college in one post. Other thoughts? I would add a 4th as well ...that it is ok to Deviate from what your blog is about now and then. My blog is mostly on my views as a minister of the church and my life but than again I do cite some stuff on current culture and hockey. Sometimes adding variety h

Twas the Nite Before Youth Ministry

(I wrote this a few years ago - enjoy -Gman) 'Twas the Nite Before Youth Ministry, When all through the church Not a church was stirring, not even a pastor. The budget minutes were done for the year with care. In hopes that funds for the ministry next year would be there. The church-goers had gone. All full of themselves. With visions of only thinking of Thyself. The Leadership wanted the last say on everything. And the Senior Pastor had to be right on every theological thing. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter. Several of us had sprung out of the church to see what was the matter. As we entered the church parking lot What did we see? But Angry parents and students wanting youth ministry for FREE! More rapid than insults, the crowd made demands. They had expectations of what they thought youth ministry looked like and added their demands. They started to name the youth orgainzations by name: Now "Youth For Christ, Young Life, FCA, and such, Campus Life, CEF, First

Who the heck has the Corner on Every Church Doctrine?

Just a question! I mean everyone seems to be bashing one another. Pro-emergent, anti-emergent. Against Univerisalism, pro-universalism. Hell -literal, not literal. End times views correct. I'm wondering - because it scares the literal heck out of me that people here and elsewhere seem to have God all figured out. Put God in a box and know all the Christian answers and well spout them out like the good little Christians they are. What ever happened to the fear, reverance, mystery to God? To Faith being a journey? Too often our "Christian" celebrities and online presence seems to have everything figured out. Doesn't this scare anyone else? Or am I just off my rocker because everyone else's egos is the size of Texas and no one wants to admit they might be WRONG!!!

Violence in Church

I've wondered about how we handle things. Do we have an emergency response? In discussing this in our local ministers' meeting - it was amusing to me that one of the preacher actualyl carries a gun with him - everywhere he goes. He is almost 70. One time I drove with him and saw his 9mm and boy was I good in his car. He also says he has a few special Ops guys that attends his church. He is located not far from Fort Bragg. For me ... I don't carry a gun ...really don't see the need. But sometimes I do wish I had a security detail though ...boy have I done some stupid things in which ...ah nevermind ...let's just say I'm glad I'm still alive!

I Hate Sexy Trendy Youth Ministry.

You know the ones.You know the models I'm talking about. The one that is the newest gimmick today or tends to reach only the "Popular" kids so that the other kids will follow. Also where the youthworker has an Ego the size of Texas. Let alone his or her head fit through the door to enter the church building. You guess it ... I hate trying to be something I'm not! These trendsetters are nothing but hurting youth ministry. Youth Ministry is about God. It is about students - and not reaching to that of which is "Hot, popular or the latest anything." I just don't get it. People want churches to compete? Almost be a Super Churchmart. Oh, your church isn't as good of McChurch down the road so I'll go to them. Or your Church doesn't have King Church of having it my way right away. Or your Church doesn't offer my choice of kids, children or fries or salads with that. And then there is all the wine I mean whining. That this music style or that nit