
Showing posts from December, 2004
I Hate Gman Yes, you read that right. I hate myself. What I've become, and how I've come to this point and who I am now. Now don't misunderstand; I love what God sees in me, despite the mess. I am Messy. Let me recite some Top 10 Reasons To Hate Gman. 1. Contrary to popular opinion, Gman is not God , and is far away from Him. 2. Contrary to other's opinions, Gman is just a person. He is not an Expert nor does he want to be popular (even when trying to be funny) 3. Gman is not a model nor a Role model for Youth Ministry. See the whole "I hate Youth pastors" topic . He doesn't serve a small, medium or mega church. He serves just The Church and tries to improve it; or rather Re-imagine her 4. My theology is off. Thus even with my trying to remain consistent I'm inconsistent. I'm a moderate Calvinistic - Arminean Historical Futurist pan-millennialist with A-millennial tendencies and try to error on the side of grace instead